RWL-CSR-Report-use-mail - Flipbook - Page 35
week (NL & HQ)
The 2nd edition of the Riwal Sustainability week took place in Riwal
Netherlands and the Head office. Several events were planned to
inspire customers, employees and their families to think of a sustainable
future. Riwal Netherlands constructed a green roof on one of the offices.
Employees together with their kids and the local football team participated in ‘’tiles out, plants in’’ activity. Finally, with every order placed
• GRI 305 Emissions
during that week, we donated an amount for the Trees For All Foundation.
We aspire to organise this kind of event every year and include all Riwal
fossil-free (NL)
Riwal Netherlands has switched to sustainable HVO100 biofuel for our
rental diesel-powered machines. HVO100 is a 100% synthetic diesel
made from various waste and residual flows; it is, therefore, not a fossil
fuel and ensures a CO2 reduction of approximately 90% compared to
conventional B7 diesel. This change significantly reduces our customers’
• GRI 403 Occupational
Health and Safety
carbon footprint and contributes to both their and our sustainable deveopment.
All used oils at our French entities are sorted, collected and sent to a
regeneration centre. Around 90% of those oils produce new oil and the
rest are incinerated to generate energy. Oil regeneration increases the
lifetime of the oil while maintaining its quality, which allows it to be continuously used.
• GRI 302 Energy
• GRI 305 Emissions
• GRI 306 Waste
The waste recycling service currently used by Manlift UAE has been
expanded to not only include the collection of aluminium bottles and
plastic; but also, the recycling of paper, batteries and E-waste. Besides
the recycling service, RECAPP’s full-package digital solution provides
data to allow us to monitor our waste and support us in improving our
sustainability efforts. This can significantly decrease our GHG emissions
• GRI 306 Waste
while improving our environmental performance.