RWL-CSR-Report-use-mail - Flipbook - Page 26
Planet (Environment)
An average of 6,500 machines are washed
Development Goals - Responsible Consumption
annually in Odense, Denmark. With the implemen-
and Production.
tation of the wastewater treatment system, the
Kg Carbon (CO²) emission per FTE
-1% compared to 2019
Kg Carbon (CO²) emission per €M revenue
-1% compared to 2019
Waste (Ton) per FTE
Waste (Ton) per €M revenue
Waste recycled
effectiveness of water management improved to
In France for example, we focus on correctly
such a degree, that we now use roughly 140 m3 of
using batteries to maintain their performance
water for all 6,500 machines. In comparison, this
and reliability and to avoid any unnecessary
is the equivalent of the water consumption of an
average Danish household. In the past, we used
around 1500 m3 of water a year for fewer machi-
Our mechanics are trained to properly use bat-
nes. Without the BioClassic system, the increase
teries to maximize their lifetime while, of course,
in water use would be tenfold. Check Video for
taking safety and quality into account. To ensure
more details.
the appropriate utilization of batteries we avoid
over-discharges, monitor the electrolyte levels
We are now looking to expand this initiative to
and charge batteries within 24hours of use.
Water Management in Denmark
BioClassic System, a biological wastewater
• One of our environmental initiatives is to focus
treatment system. This system uses a biological
on effective water management which is a key
approach to water treatment: Wastewater flows
Waste Management in France
dous Industrial Waste that Riwal France gene-
aspect of equipment maintenance and helps us
through drain grates into a kind of washing room
• In our workshops, we implement different
rates. Following these guidelines allowed Riwal
target Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development
where a sponge-mechanism actively filters the
measures to decrease waste production and to
France to decrease its battery consumption and
Goals - Clean water and sanitation.
improve and increase recycling efforts. By doing
recycling needs from 14.8 Tons in 2018 to
that, we mostly target goal 12 of the Sustainable
7.2 Tons in 2019.
In our largest depot in Denmark, we set up the
other Riwal countries.
Batteries constitute around 10% of the Hazar-