RWL-CSR-Report-2023-use - Flipbook - Page 7
Riwal as a rental company operates on a sustainable
performance by looking at their efforts within these
business model that provides positive impact on the
topics: environment, labour, business ethics and
economy, environment and people. Equipment renting
sustainable procurement. We want to prove our
has a much lower carbon footprint over its entire
commitment to our sustainability goals and aspire to
lifecycle compared to traditional purchasing. In Europe,
reach a Ecovadis Platinum level by 2025.
65% of Riwal’s rental fleet is electric. By 2030, our aim is
to have 90% of our fleet electrical or using other
We also adopted the United Nations Women’s
renewable energy resources.
Empowerment Principles (WEPs) as part of our
commitment to promote diversity and gender equality
Riwal operates in 14 countries spanning from Europe,
in the workplace. In an industry inherently more
the Middle East, India and Kazakhstan. Our sustainability
dominated by men, we want to invest in women.
framework provides each country with room to define
We want to provide equal opportunities for
goals that are relevant to their operation and
female colleagues and candidates, as we believe this
geographic region. We try to work as uniformly as
will accelerate growth in our company, the communities
possible but still enable each country to adapt its
we operate in and the economy as a whole.
objectives to meet local needs. We maintain a strong
focus on our group policies and values, as we strive to
Our entity in the Benelux region has been honored with
be the most sustainable rental company in the industry.
the ‘Rental Company of the Year 2023’ award at the
Verhurend Nederland Awards. This achievement reflects
The voice of the customer is at the centre of our
our commitment to safety, sustainability, innovation, and
strategy and we want to provide our customers with
all their sustainability requirements and demands. Our
customers are increasingly demanding 100% electric
I truly believe that acting as a responsible company - a
machines to work at height, cleaner fuel options, a
company that accounts in its operation and decision
sustainable supply chain, and digital solutions to help
making for its stakeholder expectations, the needs
them report and decrease their environmental footprint.
and concerns of its employees, the environment and
We listen and cater our product range and services to
the sustainability of its supply chain - will contribute to
those demands.
Riwal’s lasting sustainable development.
Providing excellent service to our customers also
Thank you!
means acting with integrity. In line with our values, we
Pedro Torres,
require all our employees and our critical suppliers to
sign our code of conduct, highlighting, among others,
our zero tolerance for corruption. These actions are
complemented with a company-wide training on
compliance and business ethics.
2023 has been a year of achievements in sustainability
for Riwal.
We jumped to a Gold medal in our EcoVadis assessment,
putting us in the top 5% of assessed companies.
Ecovadis rates companies on their sustainability