RWL-CSR-Report-2023-use - Flipbook - Page 55
Some of our positions are covered by a collective agreement,
which include provisions concerning rights to courses and con-
404-2 Programs for
upgrading employee
tinuing training.
In some entities, it is possible for an employee to take leave for
professional or personal development in the form of education,
fixed-term employment, study and/or exchange stays, etc., if
a suitable replacement is found. Riwal will endeavour to ensure
that a similar position is available when the employee returns after
completing the leave.
skills and transition
assistance programs
404-2-b is omitted as it is not applicable.
404-3 Percentage of
Omitted as incomplete information.
employees receiving
regular performance
80.60% (2022:83.17 %) of total employees have received regular
and career develop-
performance and career development reviews.
ment reviews
At least once a year, a performance review takes place between
the manager and the employee. During this review, the employee
is assessed on the performance, agreed objectives, attitude,
behaviour and devel-opment. This conversation can have employment conditions consequences (change of salary, permanent appointment, etc.). Based on a POP-up or assessment
interview, agreements can be made with the employee regarding points for improvement and development. This concerns,
for example, additional training, extra guidance or creating
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016
405-1 Diversity of
governance bodies
405-1-a-ii & 405-1-b-ii are omitted due to privacy the information is not made available for reporting.
and employees
405-2 Ratio of basic
Omitted as information not available.
salary and
We monitor the mean gender pay gap which is 0.33% (based on
remuneration of
data from 75% of the entities)
women to men
The selection process seeks to identify the best candidate based
on merit. Human Resources must ensure that there is no discrimination.
GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 2016
416-1 Assessment of
The products and services can be categorised as: rental/sales
the health and safety
of equipment, sales of spare parts, training and maintenance of
impacts of product
and service
We assess all categories on health and safety impact.
Our policy reflects our commitment to customer Health and