RWL-CSR-Report-2023-use - Flipbook - Page 51
403-2 Hazard
If necessary, a detailed job related RI&E is conducted.
identification, risk
The provision of the correct PPE is based on the RI&E (Risk
assessment, and
Inventory & Evaluation) and TRA (Task Risk Analysis). The
incident investigation
correct PPE is available to all personnel and within the depot,
instruction manuals are clearly visible next to the specific working areas.
On a monthly basis, workplace Inspections are done using
the 6S method - The safety rules are monitored during those
inspections, such as the wearing of PPE’s and the inspection
status of used equipment and tools. Those safety walks are
conducted by trained employees to check and report on any
hazards in the office or workshop.
We use an external platform (Quentic) to report work-related
accidents and near misses and to analyse their recurrence.
All depot employees are trained by a local SHEQ Manager (to ensure clear understanding) and encouraged to report near misses.
We aim to empower our employees to act in a safe manner
and to care for their health and wellbeing. Training focuses on
LMRA (Last Minute Risk Analysis) to allow employees to identify
risks and hazards in the workplace and to take measures to
eliminate risks or to make them acceptable. This tool stresses
the importance of not starting with working when the risks are
not acceptable according to one’s own judgement.
All accidents, near misses, incidents and damages are to be
immediately reported to the supervisory personnel and SHEQ
Manager. Investigation to be carried out and reported back
with recommendation, preventive measures or actions where
appropriate to prevent repetition. The reports will be reviewed
at the management meeting.
403-3 Occupational
To protect the health of our employees in relation to their work
health services
environment, these are some of the occupational health services
we use:
- General training on Health & Safety and emergency responses in
the depot/office - this is done for all employees
- Specific training on use of personal protective equipment (for
technicians and operations employees), on safety in the yard
and workshop.
- Awareness campaigns on hygiene (especially during Covid), ergonomics, healthy lifestyle etc.
- Regular first aid and emergency training for volunteered employees - and in some entities, for all employees.
- Optional workshops on resuscitation, self defence etc.
- Optional Covid-19 vaccinations (in some entities)
- Regular (preventive) health checkups
- Workplace inspection mostly done by governmental authorities