RWL-CSR-Report-2023-use - Flipbook - Page 19
manage our waste streams.
• Protect the environment and the communities we
Delivering the best customer experience and
respecting Health, Safety and Environment rules is an
work and live in, by preventing pollution, minimising
individual responsibility for all of us, at every level within
our impact and investing in local initiatives.
our organisation. This policy statement is part
• Use the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
as our guiding tool to create and update this policy.
• Include in our policies or codes the requirement
of our SHEQ management system, which is organised
on the basis of the ISO 9001, 45001, 14001 and
CSR Performance ladder (based on ISO 26000
to respect and follow the Universal Declaration of
standard) and it applies to all Riwal and Manlift
Human Rights and the universal standards of the
employees, contractors, suppliers, visitors and other key
International Labour Organisation (ILO).
business partners. The Executive Management
is responsible for creating a suitable work environment
Within Quality
supporting the above mentioned aspects in this
• Place our customers at the heart of everything
policy statement.
we do.
• Actively listen to our customer needs and
The policy applies to the entire Riwal Group and is
expectations and innovate our products and services
signed by our Executive Management. It will be
to meet them.
regularly reviewed to make sure it is relevant and follows
• Develop and maintain the processes we need to
deliver the best customer experience.
the latest compliance requirements. It will be made
available to all interested parties.
• Continuously measure, maintain and increase Riwal
knowledge base through talent recruitment and
• Respect stakeholder confidentiality and individual
privacy whilst remaining transparent in all other
aspects of our work.