Riwal Safety Training Courses & Services Catalogue UK.docx - Flipbook - Page 13
Chemical Hazards/Oil Spill kurset vil give kursisterne: viden om procedurer og regler for kemiske
farer/oliespild på en given arbejdsplads; kendskab til hvordan man på sikreste mulige måde agerer i
og håndterer forurenende episoder; viden om diverse typer af spill kit samt disses indhold. Kurset vil
også sikre at kursisterne opnår kendskab til:
The Chemical Hazards/Oil Spill course will provide the course participants with: knowledge of the
procedures and rules in place for when/if a chemical hazards/oil spill occur at a given workplace;
knowledge of how to act and manage pollution occurrences in the safest possible way; knowledge of
various types of spill kits as well as their content.
The students will gain knowledge of:
- Various types of spill
- The use of spill kits and how to check their content
- How to handle pollution scenarios
- How and where to dispose of contaminated items
- PPE requirements
- Assessment of hazards and risks
- The use of safety-data documents
- Symbols used to denote hazardous/chemical substances
This course is dedicated to all persons from the emergency teams, who must have knowledge and
practical experience with spill control and spill prevention. This is a customer-specific course,
adapted to meet each customer's specific needs and challenges. The Chemical Hazards/Oil Spill
certificate is valid for 2 years.
- € 148 per person (min. 8 people - max. 10 people)
- 4 hours