HG Business PartnerCode Riwal - Flipbook - Page 5
misappropriation, falsification, omission, or removal of data, money and/or goods whereby
resources or assets are unlawfully diverted to or from a company.
All business and commercial dealings are transparently performed and accurately recorded by
you in your books and records. You have no actual or attempted participation in money
Confidential Information
Business Partners may become aware, receive or have access to information about Riwal, our
customers, suppliers or other business partners that is not publicly available. Such information is
confidential and Business Partners must keep such information confidential and safeguard its
confidentiality. Riwal will not tolerate the improper use of inside information, regardless of whether
it is unlawful or not allowed.
You respect and safeguard Riwal9s confidential information, know-how and intellectual property. All
information provided by Riwal is only used for its intended and designated purpose. All and any
personal information about individuals, such as Riwal9s customers and employees are handled
with full respect for the protection of their privacy and in compliance with all relevant privacy laws
and regulations.
Compliance and reporting
Compliance with the Business Partner Code of Conduct is essential to the ongoing success of
Riwal as a company. A code of conduct can however not answer every question that arises in
day-to-day business; therefore each Business Partner must use common sense and
professional judgement at all times.
Your role in doing business with us in accordance with the values set out in this Code is
important. Your employees are provided with appropriate means by which they can raise their
concerns about any of the requirements in this Business Partner Code of Conduct and all
employees who speak out about an issue are protected from retaliation by you.
If you have any compliance concerns about and/or related to Riwal, please bring them forward,
speak to your contact person within Riwal, who will listen and help you. If you have tried to talk
to them but you feel that you are not being heard, then you can call the external Speak Up Line
from Expolink, which Riwal facilitates.
The SpeakUp Line allows Business Partners to report a compliance concern anywhere and
anytime in their native language, either by internet and/or by phone. The system is operated by
an external provider and provides the option to speak up in anonymity. Please see attached list
for the toll free phone numbers.
Before doing that, please note the following guidelines:
How are concerns reported?
Please speak to your direct contact person within Riwal, or their supervisor.
If your concerns are not properly addressed, you can report your concerns to the Speak Up Line.
Your report is anonymously being forwarded to the Internal Audit Department.