HG Business PartnerCode Riwal - Flipbook - Page 4
Riwal, the companies in the Riwal group and their employees must comply with applicable laws
and regulations, including internal Riwal policies and the Code of Conduct. Riwal supports the
principles of fair competition. By focusing on our customers, we aim to meet customer needs
faster, better and more distinctly than our competitors. We will compete vigorously but fairly,
and in accordance with applicable competition laws. We solely want to do business with
Business Partners who share our values and our social , environmental and ethical standards as
formulated in this Code.
We trust our Business Partners to conduct their business in an ethical, transparent and
responsible manner. Bribery and any other forms of unethical business practices are prohibited.
Under no circumstances shall any of your employees, employee of a company in your group, or
agent - directly or indirectly - offer, accept, promise or authorize any cash payment or gift
• To gain any business advantage;
• To influence the policy of any government body or authority, or;
• That could bear the appearance of impropriety.
This may not be circumvented by commission payments. Any commission payment should be
justified by a clear and traceable service rendered and supported by a written agreement. The
remuneration of agents should always be at an arm9s length basis.
Payments or gifts to officials to expedite performance of routine government actions (such as
processing a required government license) (being