All you need to know - Riverstone Kensington - Flipbook - Page 42
To discover more about Riverstone please get in touch:
Call: +44 (0)20 8189 7244
Visit our website:
Our location:
Riverstone Kensington
Coe House
4 Warwick Lane
W14 8FN
Important Notice: Services, pricing levels and structure are understood to be correct at the time
of printing. Riverstone Operations Limited and its subsidiary and associated companies with the
Riverstone Group reserve the right to make any changes to the development, individual speci昀椀cations
or pricing at any time. The content of this brochure does not constitute an o昀昀er or form any contract
or an inducement of any such contract. We subscribe to and comply with the Consumer Code
For New Homes and endeavour to operate all retirement communities according to The Associated
Retirement Community Operators Code. Riverstone Operations Limited (company no 11082072
registered in England and Wales) whose registered address is at 55 Baker Street, London W1U 7EU.
January 2025. Version 1.