All you need to know - Riverstone Kensington - Flipbook - Page 33
Frequently asked questions
We are here to answer any questions you may have and our team are on hand to help
every step of the way. Below are answers to questions we are often asked.
Who will manage Riverstone Kensington?
Riverstone Kensington is owned and managed by Kensington Row Property Limited, part
of the Riverstone Group. Kensington Row Property Limited have entered into a services
agreement with Riverstone Operations Limited who provide management services. The costs
of these services are included within the Fees.
We do not provide all the services at Riverstone Kensington. For example, home care will be
available from The Good Care Group at Riverstone, other Riverstone-nominated providers or
from your chosen care provider. The restaurant and bar will be run through our partnership
with a leading restaurant operator.
We will partner with independent suppliers when o昀昀ering some of the on-demand services.
Do I own my apartment at Riverstone Kensington?
All apartments are sold on a 150-year lease (or the time left on the lease for resales).
The apartment is your home, your asset.
How is my Riverstone lease di昀昀erent to a normal residential lease?
The key di昀昀erence is the payment of the Deferred Fee when your apartment is sold.
Riverstone believes the Deferred Fee fully aligns your interests and ours as we make a
pro昀椀t on the resale of your property.
Our fee structure makes sure that the costs of building, maintaining and running the
Riverstone locations are covered for the long term. Please ask our client advisors for a copy
of the Lease Summary for more information.