All you need to know - Riverstone Kensington - Flipbook - Page 29
Riverstone’s “Value in Choice” o昀昀ering explained
At Riverstone, we always aim to listen and learn from feedback from our current
residents and prospective purchasers, as well as other more established markets
globally. Flexibility and choice come up as consistent themes. In response to this, we
have introduced the Riverstone “Value in Choice” o昀昀ering which caters for di昀昀erent
buyers’ 昀椀nancial circumstances, preferences and perceptions of value.
Under Riverstone’s “Value in Choice” o昀昀ering, three Membership Fee and Deferred Fee
options are available for you to choose from when deciding how much you want to
pay and when. Some buyers will prefer to pay a higher Membership Fee in return for a
lower Deferred Fee paid when you sell your apartment. Other buyers will be focused on
paying a lower Membership Fee each year but are happier to accept a higher Deferred
Fee when the apartment is sold.
Option 1:
• Membership Fee: Fixed but increased in line with in昀氀ation annually on 1 January,
with a 4% cap on any increase in any given year
• Deferred Fee: 4% per year (capped at 28%) calculated against the sale price
achieved or open market value, if greater, when you sell your apartment
This option might be attractive for buyers who are less concerned about annual
increases to their Membership Fee and who would prefer to pay a lower Deferred Fee.
Option 2:
• Membership Fee: Fixed “for-life” and won’t change during your period of ownership
• Deferred Fee: 6% per year (capped at 30%) calculated against the sale price
achieved or open market value, if greater, when you sell your apartment
This option might be attractive for buyers attracted to the cost certainty and comfort
of a 昀椀xed Membership Fee which will not increase and don’t mind paying a higher
Deferred Fee in return for this.