25Do I have to redecorate or refurbish when I sell?You need to redecorate the apartment in the 3 months before you sell it but you don’thave to refurbish it (e.g. replacing bathrooms and kitchens). We can arrange this ifyou and Riverstone agree on the price and type of works to increase sale value. If youwanted to refurbish you would pay for it, but we might consider making a contributiontowards the refurbishment costs. If we did, we would not charge interest but wouldcollect the contribution out of the money you receive when you sell your apartment.What are the estate agency fees?When it comes to you or your representatives wanting to sell your apartment, it is yourdecision who you use as sales agent.You might wish to appoint our experienced sales team as your sales agent when sellingyour property. They have all the knowledge and experience of Riverstone Kensington.We’re happy to work as your sole sales agent or alongside your own choice of salesagent. We will always charge a fee of 1.25% plus VAT, whichever route you choose.However, if you want to use another sales agent alongside us, then you will need toagree a separate fee with them. We do not allow more than two agents to be appointedon the sale of your property.You can also use a single agent of your choice, completely independently of Riverstone.If you don’t use Riverstone as sales agent, you need to pay the Administration Fee of£550 plus VAT.How can you help with marketing for resales?If you use Riverstone as sales agent, you will have access to the following Riverstonemarketing services:• We actively manage our database of interested parties and any waiting lists. Wewould always look to match potential buyers to those sellers who use Riverstone assales agent• Our marketing team actively advertise and promote our locations and availableapartments across London
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