All you need to know - Riverstone Kensington - Flipbook - Page 13
Selling your apartment
Deferred Fee
Under Riverstone’s “Value in Choice” o昀昀ering, three Deferred
Fee options are available. We calculate the Deferred fee as a
percentage of the sale price or open market value, whichever is
greater, when you sell your apartment. We do this by accruing
an annual percentage charge for every year that you own
the apartment.
Option 1: 4% charge for every year that you own the
apartment. Under this option, the Deferred Fee is capped at 28%
Option 2: 6% charge for every year that you own the
apartment. Under this option, the Deferred Fee is capped at 30%
Option 3: 7% charge for every year that you own the
apartment. Under this option, the Deferred Fee is capped at 35%
We charge the Deferred Fee when you or your representatives
sell the apartment after the original occupants stop living there.
We refer to the original occupants as “designated occupiers”
Administration Fee
£550 plus VAT. Riverstone will not charge the Administration Fee if
you appoint us as sales agent when you sell your apartment
Sales Agency Fee
- 1.25% of sale price plus VAT, whether you instruct us as sales
agent alone or alongside your own choice of sales agent
- You can appoint up to two sales agents on the sale of your property
- You do not have to use Riverstone as a sales agent. If you don’t,
you still need to pay the Administration Fee of £550 plus VAT
Unpaid charges
- We will collect any unpaid amounts which you owe under the
lease when you or your representatives sell your apartment.
This includes unpaid Membership Fees
- You continue to pay the Membership Fee until your apartment
is sold