RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 94
‘We will never sell again!’
This outcome unexpectedly saves the independence and the future of Rijk Zwaan. Except for
when the company was originally founded, this
whole acquisition issue is the most important
episode in Rijk Zwaan’s history. It is a unique
moment, because the management buyout
succeeds thanks to a concerted effort by everybody in the company, from high to low.
‘We pushed to the limit
with the courage of despair
because we knew there was
so much at stake.’
Ben Tax,
Board member of Rijk Zwaan.
The unwavering attitude displayed by the Board,
supported by the employees, during the negotia-
Rijk Zwaan emerges stronger from the whole
tions is illustrated by the words of BP’s negotiator
affair. The events show that the heart of the
who, after signing the contract, feels obliged to
company is the people who work there. Without
raise a glass to Anton van Doornmalen, Ben Tax
their support, a company is ‘worthless’, as the
and Maarten Zwaan: ‘I have never met three such
great Asgrow had to experience first-hand.
stubborn people in my life.’ It was only with this
stubbornness that – in the words of Ben Tax –
The whole affair has brought the three Board
Rijk Zwaan was ‘dragged away from the gates of
members – Ben, Anton and Maarten – closer
hell’. And also: ‘Rijk Zwaan hung by a thread at
together and connected them in a way that has
the time. Everyone has fought very hard for the
made them friends for life as well as business
company that we have today. It is now engrained
partners. That intense period of ‘acting together,
in the minds and hearts of the company (and also
taking risks, holding on and continuing to believe
laid down in the articles of association (Ed.) that
in it, has led to a strong bond and a special friend-
it will never be sold again.’ And: ‘In the final few
ship,’ says Anton. Illustrative of this special friend-
months, the chances of success dwindled visibly,
ship is Anton’s encounter years later with the now
and fewer and fewer people believed in a positive
seriously ill Maarten. When Maarten’s grandson
outcome. We stuck together and pushed to the
asks if that gentleman is one of the three bosses
limit with the courage of despair because we knew
of Rijk Zwaan, Maarten replies that it is not three
there was so much at stake.’
bosses, but three friends.
‘Rijk Zwaan was
‘dragged away
from the gates
of hell.’
Ben Tax,
Board member of Rijk Zwaan.
Rijk Zwaan | Moving forward together