RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 80
Justification for BP-Nutrition’s decision to purchase Rijk Zwaan
plus the expectations of BP-Nutrition, 1986.
Consent of the FNV Food Union to
BP-Nutrition’s acquisition of Rijk Zwaan, 1986
A new ‘parent’
With its new parent, it looks like Rijk Zwaan will
have sufficient resources to play an important role
in the global plant breeding market. Jaap Zwaan
will stay on as Chairman of the Board for another
year, with Anton van Doornmalen and Ben Tax at
his side. Maarten Zwaan – a cousin of Jaap Zwaan
– is still deputy director at that time but will join
the Board after Jaap Zwaan has stepped down in
1988. One condition stipulated in the acquisition
is that the company will not be merged with other
strategic entry point to further expand its
horticultural seeds business in the European market.
Should there be any further acquisitions, they will be
made through us. It is also suggested that acquisition
of a company in the US is not out of the question.
In case of product overlap, Rijk Zwaan can become
the distribution unit for Europe and our products
will be able to be distributed in the US through that
company. BP’s policy is to enable the
acquired companies to continue operating
European seed firms. This is stipulated in a ‘policy
independently under current management.
statement’. At a staff meeting in February 1986, the
If the business continues to run well then there
following is revealed:
‘BP wants Rijk Zwaan to act exclusively as a
will be no direct impact.’
Rijk Zwaan | Moving forward together