RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 43
‘This concerns 昀椀nancial support for the Institute, which is
being demanded from the profession. I do not agree with
this. Mr Barten rightly mentions individualism as one of
the characteristic traits of the Dutch nation – we like to do
Flora Blanca
things ourselves; it is in our nature. But there is something
else: the extraordinarily heavy tax burden put upon us by
the Government. The attraction of plant breeding for me
is that it is so expensive and that we can enter it as expenses
in our ledgers, which enables us to use monies that would
otherwise have to be paid to the Treasury.
Now as a Dutchman, I realise that our national government needs a lot of money, and it would be unreasonable
from any political point of view to dispute this. Every
Government needs a lot of money. But if we show understanding for the fact that the Government needs a lot of
money, then we also ask for a little understanding for us
Rijk Zwaan speaking.
as individual breeders and seed growers, namely that it
is slowly being made impossible for us to maintain and
And this is why the IVT places foreign competition
expand our business as we should be allowed to do.
at the top of the list of topics to be discussed at
If we are then asked to pay a further sum on top of the
the annual breeding convention. The discussion
large levy we are already burdened with for an Institute
will also include a possible financial contribution
that may compete with us in the future – although I
to the IVT by the business community. In the
am not particularly afraid of that, as the relations are
records of the plant breeding convention, which
far too good for that to happen – then I think that we as
Rijk Zwaan regularly attends, he rarely has some-
individuals are going to be taxed quite a bit.’
thing to say, but he does let his voice be heard
while this issue is being discussed:
The office building at
Zaagmolenkade in Rotterdam.
Rijk Zwaan standing in the doorway.
Jan Bruinsma (left),
K. Szteyn of the IVT (white coat)
and Rijk Zwaan.
1945-1960 | Reconstruction | A bitter pill