RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 171
‘The Rijk Zwaan brand’
Besides deciding to position itself exclusively as
Rijk Zwaan also wants to continue to promote
BTB (Business To Business) and BTBTC (Business
its reputation as a reliable partner. In the future,
To Business To Consumer) and leave the
customers will be even bigger, more professional
consumer-oriented ‘branding’ in supermarkets
and more specialised. This is consistent with the
to others, Rijk Zwaan also wants to contribute to
stability and professionalism that Rijk Zwaan
society. It wants to continue presenting itself as a
wants to keep providing. As the market changes,
company that has the best interests of people and
Rijk Zwaan will adapt to these dynamics where
the world they live in at heart. In many ways, the
necessary, but its intrinsic values will remain the
‘Sharing a healthy future’ motto formulated in 2013
same. It is thanks to Rijk Zwaan’s adaptability to
is still very much in line with this objective and will
these new market and societal conditions (while
therefore remain topical in the future. However,
maintaining its core values) that the company can
the focus will be more on the ‘Rijk Zwaan’ brand
now celebrate its centenary.
and what it stands for.
2024 -The future | The next century | A look at the future