RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 163
2024: one hundred years Rijk Zwaan
And so we have arrived at the end of Rijk Zwaan’s
After all, there is no disputing the fact that
history – at least, so far. In one hundred years,
today’s fresh produce display in the supermarket
the company has changed and grown tremen-
looks very different from what it did twenty years
dously. Yet at the same time, it has remained
ago. The range is more extensive and varied, and
remarkably the same in many important
it caters more for consumer convenience. This
respects. As was the case with founder Rijkent
hasn’t happened as a matter of course and is
(Rijk for short) Zwaan, the belief that quality
actually based on years of plant breeding.
100 years of
Rijk Zwaan
leads to success is still the basis of the company
in 2024. In addition, despite the family’s sale of
With its one hundred years of experience and
shares in 1986 and certainly after the manage-
the position it has acquired as the world’s largest
ment buyout in 1989, Rijk Zwaan has always
seed company focusing almost exclusively on
managed to retain the atmosphere of a family
horticulture, Rijk Zwaan’s important role in this
business in which people always take priority
is undisputed. Rijk Zwaan currently has more
over profits and growth.
than 1,500 varieties in its range of 25 different
As a vegetable breeding company, active at
types of crops. Its seeds are sold in more than
the beginning of the chain, the huge impact
one hundred countries through its thirty globally
of Rijk Zwaan on the consumer may be almost
distributed subsidiaries and wide range of
unknown. Nevertheless, as one of the largest
distributors. In the future Rijk Zwaan wants to
vegetable breeding companies in the world,
develop innovative fruits and vegetables that
Rijk Zwaan undoubtedly plays an important role
encourage healthy eating and contribute to
in the global vegetable range.
global food security.