RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 155
Perseverance RZ
First with
resistance to
New Delhi virus.
The company also continues to expand its
Resistance breeding
palette of crops so that it has a good range for
Resistance breeding remains at the top of
every region. In March 2020, the Board gives the
Rijk Zwaan’s priority list. New diseases and pests
green light for the launch of Berries (the ‘small
that threaten cultivation are constantly emerging.
fruit’ product group), a breeding programme for
Rijk Zwaan’s breeders are going all out to bring
strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. After
resistant varieties to market as soon as possible –
several years of preparatory research and the
preferably ahead of the competition, of course.
Alzamora RZ
sweet pepper
High-tech variety.
Low energy
collection of material, an extensive market analysis
New Emerging virus
and a thorough business economic assessment,
In 2015, the Tomato Brown Rugo Fruit virus breaks
Rijk Zwaan fully commits to breeding these crops
out in the Middle East and spreads across the world
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus
The purpose of this document is to share the latest
information about the new tobamovirus (ToBRFV)
worrying tomato and pepper growers around the world.
February 2020
Key messages
from 2020 onward.
through people, animals, seeds and even mate-
Traditionally, small fruits are propagated vege-
rials at a murderous pace. Infected plants display
tatively rather than through seeds, but this new
deformed and discoloured leaves, and tomatoes
breeding programme focuses on both. According
are also affected – to such an extent that they are
to Board member Kees Reinink, it is a crop group
unfit for sale. A tense period follows for the tomato
that, given the huge size of the ‘berries market’
department when it turns out that all of Rijk Zwaan’s
worldwide, has huge growth opportunities.
varieties are susceptible to this virus.
Normally, it takes ten to fifteen years to create
an entirely new trait and breed it into a resistant
variety. But because the virus is spreading so
ToBRFV breaks tobamo
resistance in tomato
Currently all tomato varieties
are susceptible. Pepper varieties
without Tm resistance genes can
also be infected.
Regular testing
within Rijk Zwaan
ToBRFV is a seed transmittable
virus. Rijk Zwaan tests
representative samples of all
tomato and pepper seed lots for
This virus was reported first time in 2014 in Jordan and Israel. Since then,
ToBRFV has been detected in Spain, Mexico, Italy, China, Greece, Germany,
US, UK, Turkey and The Netherlands (for updates on current outbreaks
please visit https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/TOBRFV/reporting).
Since 1st November 2019 ToBRFV has a quarantine status (Q-status)
within the EU. At this moment (February 2020), there are no reports of
infection within Rijk Zwaan facilities.
ToBRFV belongs to the group of tobamoviruses and is closely related to
Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) and Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV). Its primary
hosts are tomatoes and peppers. ToBRFV is able to overcome the tobamo
resistances in tomato (Tm22, Tm1). This means that all current tomato
varieties are susceptible. Peppers with tobamo resistance (Tm0, Tm2,
Tm3) are resistant to ToBRFV. However, research indicates that Tm0
resistant plants can get infected at temperatures above 30°C.
Prevention is the key
ToBRFV is mechanically transmitted. Preventive hygiene
measures are the best defense.
Countries with
Notification from
Rijk Zwaan to growers
about the ToBRFV virus.
fast and the symptoms are so severe, with major
implications for the global tomato crop, there is
great urgency to develop this resistance.
In just seven years, the team manages to bring
resistant commercial varieties to market, a
tremendous achievement.
Anton van Doornmalen strikes the first pile for the
Berries complex in Dinteloord.
Rugose Defense offers high resistance
to the ToBRFV tomato virus..
2014-2024 | Innovations and new technologies