RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 150
A healthy working environment for all!
Since 2015, Rijk Zwaan has offered its employees
Today, Rijk Zwaan has around 4,000 enthusiastic
a vitality programme: Rijk Zwaan Fit. What started
employees, more than 40 per cent of whom work
as a programme spread over three weeks offering
in the Netherlands. Satisfied employees are good
various workshops on topics such as mindfulness
employees, as everybody at Rijk Zwaan now knows.
and nutrition has now grown into a comprehen-
To facilitate this, however, a good work-life balance
sive programme covering a range of themes with
is important. This is why employees are carefully
matching (free) lectures, activities and workshops
monitored at Rijk Zwaan and no overtime culture
spread over the year. Rijk Zwaan has also been
is encouraged. This is perhaps more urgent now
paying extra attention to the mental health of its
than ever before. As with other companies in the
employees in recent years. For example, all Rijk Zwaan
Netherlands, absenteeism has been increasing in
employees in the Netherlands recently had the
recent years. That is why Rijk Zwaan tries to help its
opportunity to book free online appointments with
employees pursue a healthy lifestyle with various
psychologists from the organisation ‘OpenUp’ to
speak about topics such as stress and brooding.
19 maart
Het is nooit
te laat
8 februari:
Rijk Zwaan Fit’
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Rijk Zwaan ondersteunt je graag bij het verbeteren van jouw vitaliteit. Dit doen we met Rijk Zwaan Fit.
Om ervoor te zorgen dat het aanbod van Rijk Zwaan Fit aansluit op hetgeen waar jij behoefte aan hebt,
nodigen wij je uit om de VitaliteitScan in te vullen.
Health and vitality are also top priorities at the
Rijk Zwaan subsidiaries abroad. Subsidiaries are
encouraged to create healthy company canteens
and provide information about exercise, nutrition
and the importance of relaxation. In addition,
Rijk Zwaan is currently working on a special
initiative at its facility in Tanzania. When it came to
light that there are no GPs there and employees
have to travel a long way to the local hospital,
Rijk Zwaan took steps to set up a doctor’s surgery
on the subsidiary premises. The construction of
this doctor’s station will start soon.
Rijk Zwaan | Moving forward together