RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 148
Seeing is Believing’ – Seeds of
Expertise for the Vegetable Industry
in Africa (SEVIA)
By learning to grow crops more efficiently and
The production/consumption of vegetables in
professionally, farmers can help improve the local
food supply and at the same time improve their
Africa is low compared to that of what are called
the ‘staple foods’. This is despite the fact that
The SEVIA project officially starts in Tanzania
vegetable consumption is essential for health and
in 2014. Under the motto ‘Seeing is Believing’,
that Africa’s population is growing rapidly.
farmers can see for themselves the new crops and
the effect of better cultivation techniques using
So something has to be done to provide a healthy
specially constructed demo fields. It is hoped
food supply and improve the incomes of local
that this will inspire many farmers to use modern
farming families! With Afrisem, Rijk Zwaan has
irrigation systems or greenhouses themselves,
started developing varieties specifically for the
for example. These types of objectives can be
African market. However, getting local farmers to
achieved by helping local farmers, with the
then grow these crops so that they actually reach
help of Rabobank and local banks, to prepare
the African market is another story.
a business plan and apply for a loan. In 2020,
To encourage this, the idea of founding SEVIA
after around five years, 1,161 demonstrations, the
(Seeds of Expertise for the Vegetable Industry
training of 1,435 sector specialists and the transfer
in Africa) emerges in around 2012. Together with
of extensive knowledge about modern seeds,
East West Seeds and Wageningen University &
improved varieties and innovative cultivation
Research and with financial support from the
techniques to over 48,000 farmers in Tanzania,
Dutch government, Rijk Zwaan sets up a project
the project is completed successfully.
in which farmers are taught knowledge aimed at
improving quality and production levels through
a kind of horticultural school.
2014 - 2020
sector specialists trained
knowledge transfer to
farmers in Tanzania