RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 140
A selection of the expansions
To make this possible in the future and continue
New construction in the Netherlands
at foreign subsidiaries, 2014-2024:
to offer employees pleasant and sustainable jobs,
There is also a lot of construction going on in the
1 Spain.
new buildings are needed. Consequently, record
Netherlands. In Dinteloord (North Brabant), land is
2 France.
investment for new construction take place from
acquired in 2015 (26 hectares) and a further
3 China.
2014. Necessary expansions are realised at several
23 hectares is added in 2017. This offers the
4 Russia.
foreign subsidiaries, as mentioned on the left.
possibility to build a new business complex and
5 Japan.
Plant breeding companies are now divided into
various extensions. The first new building on
6 Australia.
‘Central Breeding Hubs’ (the Netherlands, France
this plot of land is De Basis (‘The Base’), a large
7 United States.
and Spain), from which breeding programmes are
greenhouse complex that replaces 10 hectares of
8 Mexico.
driven worldwide and in which the vast majority of
seed cultivation of breeding material of open-soil
9 Chile.
breeders are housed, and the regional breeding
crops previously cultivated in rental locations in
stations, in which programmes are carried out under
The Westland. A section with lettuce cultivation on
climatic or growing conditions that are different
water channels is also built in this greenhouse in
from those at the central breeding locations.
2020; this is intended for breeding and
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