RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 138
9 | 2014-2024
Innovations and
new technologies
After the 2008 credit crunch, the economy starts recovering from 2015 onward.
Yet it is by no means a quiet period that is dawning. The tide seems to be turning
for the globalising free trade that brought increased prosperity to the Netherlands.
But the balance of power is increasingly under pressure in the years that follow,
international cooperation is stagnating and protectionism and economic
nationalism are on the rise.
On top of that, the next global crisis is due in late 2019, this time in the form of
a pandemic. The corona pandemic fuels the trend towards further trade barriers.
Added to this, turbulent times are emerging for the agriculture sector due to
violent regional conflicts, climate change, nitrogen issues and stricter legislation
on pesticide use.
In addition, the vegetable breeding industry faces one of the biggest threats up
until then: the introduction of patent law in the industry. This trend had already
started at the turn of the century, but it is now becoming increasingly clear that
it could lead to the blocking of patents with a major impact on the industry and
Rijk Zwaan
the global food supply. Enough ingredients to create a challenging period in the
multiple winner
now almost 100-year history of Rijk Zwaan.
of the
The demand for high-quality vegetable seeds
Thanks to its size, market share, innovative nature
continues to grow, partly due to global population
and social commitment, Rijk Zwaan continues to
growth. Rijk Zwaan is benefiting from this rising
be a leading light in the horticulture sector and,
demand and is also able to increase its market
partly as a result, is awarded first place in both
share. However, this requires substantial invest-
2017 and 2019 in the Hillenraad500+, which is a list
ment in new construction, R&D and technology.
of leading Dutch companies in the horticulture
But Rijk Zwaan is also facing new challenges
such as rising protectionism and the introduc-
In the years after 2014, Rijk Zwaan remains
tion of patent law into the plant breeding sector.
committed to ensuring a healthy future for all and
Together with other parties in the industry,
providing a pleasant working environment for its
Rijk Zwaan is making every effort to maintain open
employees. With regard to the latter, Rijk Zwaan is
innovation and the free movement of seeds.
voted ‘Best Employer’ (again) in 2017/2018.
Rijk Zwaan | Moving forward together