RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 116
8 | 2000-2014
Chain activities and
the growing
position in society
The beginning of the 21st century is a turbulent period economically.
Rijk Zwaan at the beginning
of the 21st century
Globalisation is accelerating, and new economic powerhouses such as
With the turn of the millennium, Maarten Zwaan
China, India and Brazil are asserting themselves. The introduction of the
– an ‘institution’ in the company – is due to retire.
euro in 1999 (coins and notes will go into circulation in 2002) encourages
However, this is not a real goodbye. As an owner,
intra-European trade on the one hand, but the relatively expensive
Maarten remains closely involved in the ins and
currency is a barrier to exports to other parts of the world on the other
outs of the business. Among other things, he
hand. Thankfully, this doesn’t seem to be a problem for the Netherlands.
is kept informed of recent developments on a
In contrast, the 2008 credit crisis hits the Dutch economy very hard and
quarterly basis – first as an adviser and then as
has a huge impact on economic life.
a member of the Advisory Board established in
2003. Maarten is also involved in development
projects, for which the Development Cooperation
Committee (COS) has been set up. Kees Reinink
For Rijk Zwaan, the period from 1999 to 2013 is
(head of lettuce processing) succeeds Maarten as
mainly one of impressive growth and further inter-
a new Board member with ‘Research and Devel-
nationalisation. The company is riding the wave of
opment’ as his area of focus. Kees joined the Rijk
globalisation and hardly seems to be suffering at
Zwaan family five years earlier, after a career at the
all from the credit crisis. Yet this period also brings
former Institute for the Breeding of Horticultural
challenges. The company’s growth means that it
Crops (IVT). There are many similarities between
is more important than ever before that it embeds
Maarten Zwaan and his successor, both in the
its unique corporate culture and makes Rijk Zwaan
policies they pursue and in their personalities. The
even more aware of its social responsibilities.
line Maarten Zwaan had mapped out in the field of
Rijk Zwaan | Moving forward together