RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 110
The tomato is the first product to be specifically
adapted to modern consumer demands through
this special consultation body. There had recently
been growing criticism of the Dutch tomato. As
part of the IKZ project, Rijk Zwaan is busily working
in Germany to convince major German retailers
such as supermarket chain EDEKA to buy the new
tasty tomato varieties from the Netherlands.
Jan Doldersum, who joined Rijk Zwaan in Berlin
in 1996 as assistant project manager IKZ, recalls
that as a plant breeder, it was quite special to
knock on the door of such a big retailer.
Nevertheless, the initiative bears fruit: Rijk Zwaan
is asked to make it possible to supply the same
tomatoes with the same taste and specifications
all year round so that the consumer’s expectations can be met at all times.
The project achieves good results, and soon the
Anton van Doornmalen (middle) and
On the initiative of Anton van Doornmalen, an IKZ
number of products and participants taking part
Jo Kloet (right) receive the Horticultural
working group is set up with advisers, the director
in the consultation is expanding. At one point,
Entrepreneur Award from European
of EDEKA Netherlands and experienced sales
250 growers, exporters and supermarkets are
Commissioner Hans van den Broek (left),
managers from Rijk Zwaan. In close consultation
taking part in this successful IKZ project.
with Arnold Sweep, then director of Product Affairs
The first issue of
‘RZ Select in the market’, aimed at target
groups in the vegetable chain, 1990.
at the Central Bureau of Horticultural Auctions
In 1997, as the initiator of IKZ, Rijk Zwaan receives
(CBT), an action plan is agreed. He describes this
the Horticultural Entrepreneur Award from
project’s chance of success as follows: ‘What you
European Commissioner Hans van den Broek.
are presenting here is really groundbreaking,
This is the first time since 1989 that this prestigious
but it will be extremely difficult to implement. I
award has again been presented to a company
wish you every success and will support and help
in The Westland, the cradle of Dutch horticulture.
wherever I can’.
In the years that follow, IKZ is further refined, and
the results lead to even more improvements in
This is a major switch that takes place in the 1990s.
market alignment.
The growers, who are predominantly interested
in the most efficient methods of cultivation and
Further internationalisation worldwide
products that find the easiest outlets to auction
Meanwhile, developments continue on the export
and consumers, are now no longer the only
front. Europe is no longer the only continent in
party who are being listened to. Retailers and
which Rijk Zwaan wants to establish subsidiaries.
consumers also have their specific requirements.
For some time now, the company has been success-
Rijk Zwaan takes the initiative in 1995 to establish
fully targeting the US market. Through the afore-
an organisation called Integrated Chain Care
mentioned acquisition of TS-Seeds, the company
(ICZ). The project is aimed at closer cooperation
in The Westland now has a branch in Australia.
between partners throughout the chain, from the
The success of its contacts in the US lead to the
plant breeder to the exporter and the supermarket.
establishment of its own subsidiary in 1999. This
Structural consultations take place between the
means that Rijk Zwaan’s operations are now global.
partners, allowing the wishes of all the parties to
And its worldwide operations do not just involve
be incorporated into the product.
trading activities. By the end of the 20th century,
Rijk Zwaan | Moving forward together