RZ-100-wt4-E-flipbook-240702 - Flipbook - Page 106
Another major acquisition by Rijk Zwaan is its
1990 takeover of the R&D activities of TS-Seeds
in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht. This gives the company
access to a laboratory, a well-equipped greenhouse
and all of TS-Seeds’ plant breeding materials.
In addition, the 30 employees now work for
Rijk Zwaan. Rijk Zwaan is experiencing enormous
growth partly because of these acquisitions.
Turnover almost doubles to around 80 million
guilders, while the number of employees
increases to around 430.
New trends and technologies
What was true of hybridisation in the 1960s is
even more true of biotechnology in the 1980s
and 1990s. In the 1960s, Rijk Zwaan started too late
with hybridisation, and it took the company a long
time to catch up with the competition. With this
Recording germination results.
wise lesson in mind, Rijk Zwaan makes sure that it
entered the field of biotechnology in good time.
Initially by tackling this with BP-Nutrition and later
by participating with other breeding companies in
research company KeyGene.
Quality research
in De Focus.
Integration of
TS Seeds (HendrikIdo-Ambacht) into
Rijk Zwaan, 1991.
Rijk Zwaan | Moving forward together