ID-5184 Wonca Abstracts supplement A-K 13-10-23 - Flipbook - Page 302
WONCA 2023 Supplement 1: WONCA 2023 abstracts (A–K)
A core global curriculum for remote and rural medicine:
Is it possible?
Prof Catherine Jackson1, Stuart Maitland Knibb2, Martin McGrath1
Remote and rural medicine is practiced in many areas across the world in some extremely challenging
environments and in many different ways.
University of Central Lancashire, 2National Centre for Remote and Rural Medicine
While the way in which it is practiced relies on the context and conditions in which the healthcare is
delivered, there are many similarities as to the elements that are considered important in delivering
high-quality, effective healthcare to populations living and/or working in these areas.
To date, structured education for medical practitioners in the area has been patchy or regional in the
main, although there are many examples of good practice to be found.
The National Centre of Remote and Rural Medicine (UK), which forms part of the University of Central
Lancashire, is currently undertaking a Delphi approach to determine whether or not it might be
possible to achieve a Global Curriculum for those practising remote and rural medicine. This may
include not only clinical aspects, but also, structure, governance, quality assurance, resilience and
human factors, among many others.
This session aims to discuss with those interested in remote and rural healthcare what they feel should
be an important part of any core curriculum and to engage them and their colleagues practising in
these environments or educating others to do so, in becoming a part of our Delphi process and feed
into a potential creation of a global core curriculum for healthcare practitioners in remote and rural
areas which would be relevant for any setting worldwide.