queensland-museum-guardians-booklet-december-2023 - Flipbook - Page 7
Through their invaluable philanthropic support, Guardians can help us to capture
the imaginations of over 2 million people a year through our permanent galleries
and thought-provoking temporary exhibitions, the annual World Science Festival,
learning and engagement programs, workshops and digital offerings.
Our Guardians can help us advance important scientific research to create new
evidence-based insights to influence real world outcomes. And they can walk with
us in the spirit of reconciliation, as we partner with Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander communities to ensure our museums are trusted places of truth-telling
and critical reflection, where the vibrant living cultures of our First Nations are
recognised and celebrated.
Join us and become a Guardian of Queensland’s stories.
Philanthropic support can help Queensland Museum create exhibitions like Connections across
the Coral Sea, for which staff collaborated with First Nations communities to explore the latest in
archaeological research around the earliest movements and trade between the seafaring cultures of
Papua New Guinea, Torres Strait and the north-east coast of Queensland.