West-Kent-Discover-booklet-2021 - Flipbook - Page 15
“Innovation is the key to
continued success. I have
been staggered by the
myriad of excellent ideas
by members of the Province
of West Kent to support the
2026 Festival – and expect
many more milestone
events along the way.”
The MCF provides financial support to tackle some
of society’s most important issues through grants
charities, and partnerships with leading organisations.
These include:
Children and Young People - Grants for
supporting disadvantaged children and
young people
Later Life - Grants for supporting socially
isolated and lonely older people
Hospices - Grants supporting hospices
across England and Wales
Funding - medical research and disaster
relief appeals
The West Kent Freemasons are determined to meet,
and exceed, our £2.5m target and we really welcome
all the help we can get! If you would like to join us
in achieving this challenging figure – and also having
some fun along the way – do please join us, as it
would be great to have you aboard.