West-Kent-Discover-booklet-2021 - Flipbook - Page 13
Lodge meetings are typically held in two parts. The
first involves more administrative procedures, such
as proposing and balloting for new members and
receiving news about charitable fundraising.
The second part focuses on ceremonies, which might
relate to areas such as the admittance of new members
or the installation of the Master of the Lodge and
his officers – a process made up of three degrees, or
stages, each one marked by a special ceremony.
True to the sense of friendship and togetherness
among Freemasons, meetings are also social events,
providing an occasion for members to dine together.
Outside of the Lodge, activities include community
fundraising and volunteering activities as well as a
varied programme of events where spouses, partners
and families are welcome.
There are many specialist Lodges in Freemasonry
throughout the country. West Kent has many “Themed
Lodges” including: a Motorcycling Lodge; a University
Scheme Lodge - Hervey; the Ordnance Cycling Club,
hosted by Ordnance Lodge; a Motoring Lodge Kentmere; and a Shooting Lodge - Sincerity. Proposals
for other specialist Lodges are in development,
including: Music; Rugby; Marine; Golf; and Football.