CNA 2022-25 vFINAL 09202022 MASTER COPY - Flipbook - Page 43
2. Bias and Discrimination in Pro-Action’s Service Area: What our surveys tell us
a. Introduction
One of the major risk factors in any community is the degree to which certain groups of people experience
bias or discrimination in work, housing, education, access to food, and other basic needs. Bias and
discrimination (e.g., racism, misogyny, ageism) cut off some people9s opportunities to thrive. It is well
understood, for instance, that the stress of widespread bias based on skin color causes higher rates of
disease and lower life expectancy for people of color than people with white skin.53 Bias blocks people
from developing their full potential and robs us of the breadth of talent, expertise, and perspectives
needed to address challenges and build a stronger community -- including finding solutions to end bias
and discrimination.
At the same time, members of dominant groups have advantages where others experience barriers. To
them, their reality may seem