CNA 2022-25 vFINAL 09202022 MASTER COPY - Flipbook - Page 162
3.4 Indicator: *Needs assessment includes a section on key findings which includes quantitative or qualitative data
on causes of poverty (see examples under guidance above)
Pages 8-13
Standard 3.5 The governing board formally accepts the completed community assessment.
3.5 Indicator: *The Board formally voted to accept the agency’s community needs assessment within the past 3
3.5 Indicator: Board members participate in the needs assessment process (survey, focus group, interview, etc.).
Appendix IV
Standard 4.2 The organization’s Community Action plan is outcome-based, anti-poverty focused, and ties
directly to the community assessment.
CNA Findings,
CSBG Workplan
4.2 Indicator: *The programs in the current CSBG Work Plan can be traced to priorities in the needs assessment.
CNA Findings,
CSBG Workplan
Standard 4.3 The organization’s Community Action plan and strategic plan document the continuous use of the
full Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) cycle. In addition, the organization documents
having used the services of a ROMA-certified trainer (or equivalent) to assist in implementation.
Standard 6.4 Customer satisfaction data and customer input, collected as part of the community assessment, is
included in the strategic planning process.
Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc. Community Needs Assessment 2022 – 2025
Pgs. 2,
App. I, III, IV
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