CNA 2022-25 vFINAL 09202022 MASTER COPY - Flipbook - Page 132
C. Changes in Service Delivery due to the COVID Pandemic
Pandemic related changes that should come to an end
On the Staff-Board-Policy Council-Volunteer Survey, we asked
what changes to service delivery made because of the pandemic
should come to an end, and we asked them to give us their thoughts
overall and for every age group.
Overall, there was nothing that respondents wanted to end
completely except for having ONLY virtual contact with program
participants. At the same time, they clearly saw advantage to having
the option for virtual services in certain circumstances such as
sickness, transportation problems, or bad weather.
When it came to services for very young children (0 – 5), again,
respondents wanted virtual visits to end but saw the need for having
them as a fallback. Here are a few of their comments.
• [End] Social distancing. It is hard to say no to a child who wants a
hug or wants to show you something up close. Young children
don't understand this rejection, and it can be really emotionally
damaging and traumatizing for them.
• Nutrition and education, heights and weights, bloodwork need to
be in person. Assessing a child's health over the phone is not
• [I want to end] Rigidity around how things have been
done/delivered and explore what else is possible. Collaborating
with districts around staffing so we don't have
shortages/disparities in pay, etc. for classroom teachers.
• This is a hard question to answer. I want to say masks, but I know
they are in place to protect each other.
• & I do not feel that Zoom visits are appropriate for infants and
toddlers. I realize that this method may have worked for some,
but for the most part, I believe it was pretty stressful. It caused
stress for the educators that were not having huge success rates in
their visits, it caused stress for the parents, who were lashing out
at their infants and toddlers for not "focusing" on the visit, when
that is not even developmentally appropriate for their age levels.
• We should continue to provide remote services on top of inperson. This is so families get more support in their homes.
For children K-6, respondents wanted to end all-virtual services and