CNA 2022-25 vFINAL 09202022 MASTER COPY - Flipbook - Page 12
the most recent and most local data possible. Applying state and national data to our region does
not necessarily provide an accurate portrait of our local situation, but it is useful as a basis for
comparison with local data. In this needs assessment, whenever possible, we present
secondary data and primary data about similar topics together; each enriches the other.
Please note: Most Census Bureau data is based on estimates. When sampling the population in an
area with low population, or among any group with small numbers, a larger portion of the
population must be sampled in order to reach a high level of confidence in the estimate. Often,
sample data for small groups has very large margins of error. This is problematic in any rural area
with low population like Steuben and Yates Counties, and especially so for smaller groups within
that small whole, e.g., in our case, the non-White population.
4. The Social Determinants of Health Framework: a key methodological approach
The lens through which Pro Action sees the causes and conditions of poverty – which all
Community Action Agencies are mandated to address -- influences what data we seek out and
how we interpret it. It is important for
community members to understand our
approach as they review our assessment.
Pro Action uses a Social Determinants of