CNA 2022-25 vFINAL 09202022 MASTER COPY - Flipbook - Page 10
a. Community Member Survey
This survey was open to all community members, and outreach was focused on settings in which
people who were or could be income-eligible for Pro Action services would be found. The agency
utilized multiple outreach tools, including email, social media, and direct staff contact to agency
customers. The survey included questions about the things that had helped or hindered
respondents9 financial stability in the past year; discrimination they had experienced; child care
issues; and questions about what would be the most helpful to respondents in 12 areas of life
(e.g., housing, internet access, access to medical care). Respondents could complete the survey on
paper or online through the JotForm platform. 84% completed the survey on paper, and staff
then entered these responses into the online form. The JotForm platform enabled us to generate
data exports, cross-tabulation reports, and charts.
398 people answered all or some of the 41 survey questions, about half of which were questions
on household demographics.
The typical respondent to the survey was a White/non-Hispanic woman/girl who spoke English,
had a high school diploma and no higher education, and lived in Steuben County in a singleperson household (with two adults and no children a fairly close second). The average age of
respondents was 56. About 44% of respondents were 65 and over, and about 12% were 30 and
under. 38% were parents of children and/or young adults. Of those who gave their
race/ethnicity, 92% were White (N=349), 3% two or more races (N=10), 2% Native American
(N=7), and 1% each Asian and Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian. 17 (5%) indicated they were
Hispanic/Latino. A little over 40% had children at home. Of the 242 respondents who gave
enough information to calculate the ratio of their income to the Federal Poverty Level
(household size and annual income), 41% had income below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level
(FPL), and 70% had income below 200% FPL.
b. Community Partner Survey
The Community Partner Survey was for our colleagues in other social service organizations,
schools, local government, and faith communities, among others. Community Partners received
three reminders about the survey and heard in community-wide networking meetings about the
survey and the importance of completing it. In addition, we monitored responses as surveys
came in to ensure all required sectors were represented. 57 Community Partner organizations
answered some or all of the 26 questions. Just over half worked in Steuben County, and 35% in
Yates County. They came from varied levels in their organizations, with just over half from senior
management levels. Respondents were from a large variety of organizations, from the faith
community to higher education, from municipal government to early education, and from public
education to mental health care. Respondents9 organizations often had multiple types of
relationships with Pro Action, including referrals back and forth, belonging to the same coalition,
and providing services collaboratively with Pro Action. Respondents gave us their thoughts
about unfair treatment and bias locally; support for trauma survivors in the community;
challenges that people with lower income face; barriers to accessing services; pros and cons of
service models introduced during the pandemic; and respondents9 priorities for new or
improved services and supports.
Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc. Community Needs Assessment 2022 – 2025
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