2023 Annual Impact Report FINAL - Flipbook - Page 9
Children are more likely than adults to live in poverty in Pro Action’s service area. Child care costs, lack of living wages,
costly housing, and other factors put economic opportunity out of reach for many families. At the same time, low
educational attainment is becoming a generational problem holding people back from achieving their potential.
Programs in the Resilient Children and Families domain use a two-generation approach to set the stage for child and
family development. Children’s programs cultivate settings that foster growth and learning, while family programs
support families as they set goals, discover and use their personal strengths, and reinforce relationships. Pro Action is
rooted in the spirit of hope. Children and families in our service areas have pushed through the most difficult years in
recent history, demonstrating their resourcefulness and their resilience. We know that we are just beginning to notice
the toll that the pandemic has taken on all of us. Pro Action's Resilient Children & Families teams are committed to
providing responsive service with input and leadership from participants. We are committed to delivering HELP that
The Local Need
Our Reach
Our Annual Impact
Of the families
with female
heads of
household and
present 30.2%
in Steuben,
and 47.1% in
Yates live in
624 parents/caregivers received
Two-Generation Services to
enhance family well-being and
child development.
434 families increased
access to child care through
child care fee assistance,
and child care quality
improved when 233
trained providers gained
knowledge and changed
practices after receiving
Less than HALF of 3rd
graders in the service area
are proficient on state ELA
There is a shortage of
1,661 seats of quality,
regulated child care for
infants and toddlers and
3,836 seats for school-age
The rate of children or
youth in indicated reports of
child abuse in the service
area are higher than the
state rate.
492 infants, toddlers, and
preschoolers participated in Birth
To Five Head Start programs to
develop school readiness skills.
965 children
participated in
literacy activities to
develop school
readiness skills, and
7,120 free books
were distributed.
18 new child care providers
became registered and opened a
child care business. 234
providers attended training and
391 parents received referrals
for child care programs.
419 Birth To Five Head
Start and Kids On Track (KOT)
participants demonstrated
on-track development and
school readiness skills.
Kids on Track Steuben
is a cross-sector partnership.
106 children enrolled in KOT
coordinated services.
570 individuals improved
skills related to the adult role
of parents/caregivers by
participating in one or more
workshops or programs
supporting effective