Teaching & Learning Resource based on #thinklanguages - Flipbook - Page 3
The amazing outcomes of language learning
Expected Time
The video lasts approximately thirty minutes. Combined with the accompanying
questions, discussion provoked by the video, and follow up activities, it is expected
that the lesson plan could be delivered within a sixty-minute lesson.
Alternatively, you may decide to avail of the opportunity to watch the video in
segments, following the times allotted within the worksheet and allowing time for
discussion after each section of the video. The lesson would then be delivered across
several lesson periods.
You may also decide to assign viewing the video for homework and follow up with a
discussion in class based on the ‘follow up activities’ at the end of this resource pack.
It is anticipated that students should be able to respond to most of the questions on
first viewing.
The video can be accessed at the following link:
A student sheet, and an answer sheet for teachers, are provided in this booklet.