Primary Sampler Module Teacher's Notes MFL - Flipbook - Page 5
to Languages
My Linguistic Portrait
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Our identity is shaped by the languages that we use, hear, and see around us. Each one of us makes diferent
associations with the languages in our lives, uses them for diferent purposes, and attributes diferent values to them.
One important step towards inclusion is appreciating this linguistic diversity.
Learning intentions:
Through various learning experiences, pupils should be able to…
• find out what languages are used in their school and community
• appreciate how different languages are important to different people
• represent and express what the languages they use mean to them
Links with Primary Curriculum:
Areas and Subjects
Social, Personal and Health Education
Myself and others
Myself and the wider world
The Arts Education – Visual Arts
Paint and colour
Suggested activities
• Tutor presents her/his linguistic portrait and explains the different roles
of different languages in his/her life.
Before we start:
Guess how many
languages are used
in our school /
• Pupils work on their own linguistic portrait (in their Language Passport or on
a single page)
• Pupils present their linguistic portraits to each other and make a multilingual
chart/poster of all the languages from their class, where the names of
languages are written in the original language (e.g.: Polski for Polish) and
possibly including the pupils' names
• Pupils can be asked to complete the activity on page 4 of the Language
Passport: “Why learn a language?”. They can be asked to note which of the
reasons were ticked the most in their class, and discuss why they are the
most important to many of them
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