Primary Sampler Module Teacher's Notes ISL - Flipbook - Page 6
to Languages
My Linguist Portrait
Suggested activities
• Tutor presents her/his linguistic portrait and explains the different roles of
Before we start:
Guess how many
languages are used
different languages in his/her life
• Pupils work on their own linguistic portraits (in their Language Passports or
on a single page)
in our school /
• Tutor asks what languages are spoken by pupils in the classroom and
teaches the signs
• Pupils present their linguistic portraits to each other and make a multilingual chart/poster of all the languages from
their class, where the names of languages are written in the original language (e.g.: Polski for Polish) and possibly
including the pupils' names. They practice signing the names of the languages in their linguistic portrait
• Pupils can be asked to complete the activity on page 4 of the Language Passport: “Why learn a language?”. They can be
asked to note which of the reasons were ticked the most in their class, and discuss why they are the most important to
many of them
• Pupils can be asked to find classmates who have something in common with them, such as: languages in common,
using the same language in the same contexts, having chosen the same reasons in the “Why learn a language?” activity
• Pupils can be encouraged to merge their findings with those of the other classes taking part in the module, then edit
the poster “In our school community we speak” included in the school pack, to display in the school building
Before we finish:
Encourage pupils to describe
what they have learned and
record these thoughts
Encourage pupils to continue
the discussion on linguistic
identity at home
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