LC Primary 'Checklists for Schools' - Flipbook - Page 1
to Languages
Checklist for Schools & Teachers
Before the start of term, you should:
Check that the grant has been received in the school bank account
Identify a teacher from your school or an external tutor (feel free to request a list of available tutors in your area)
Select a ten-week period from the timeframe
Devise a language class timetable and share it with PPLI via this short form
Agree method of payment with the tutor and total amount payable for the term (the tutor will invoice the school)
Arrange Garda vetting of the tutor (as per Circular 0042/2018)
Help the tutor to become familiar with school policies and pupils9 individual needs
Make parents and wider local community aware of the school's involvement with PPLI via the school newsletter or
website (sample editable article here)
Check that the sampler module resource pack has been received in school
(leaüet describing the items supplied to be found at the top of this page)
Principals / Hosting teachers register for information session (registration links sent via email)
Teachers/tutors register for information and training workshop (registration links sent via email)
During the term:
Ensure that the whole school community is aware of the project. For example, display posters and examples of pupils9
work, encourage pupils to use the language they are learning over the intercom and during other activities etc.
Ensure that resources provided by PPLI are visible around the school and used for teaching and learning
Showcase the school's participation in the module via local press and wider community 3 include pictures
(sample editable article here)
Think about facilitating a school visit by a PPLI oocer (be sure to make them aware of school policies eg Acceptable
Usage Policy, Child Safeguarding Statement, School Data Protection Policy etc.)
After the term:
If you haven't already done so, provide feedback by ûlling out the following surveys:
Survey for hosting teachers
Survey for principals
Survey for teachers/tutors delivering the module
Feel free to contact us!
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