LC Guidance Counsellors Resourses Together - Flipbook - Page 12
Document B - Identifying key skills
Languages and key skills
This activity follows on from Activity 2 in ‘Languages and Careers’ in the TY activity pack.
Learning languages involves lots of activities.
Match each of the following activities to a key skill. Look at the example.
Language Activities
Life Skills
I get the message across,
even if it's not perfect.
I am a multi-tasker.
I have to think of lots of
things at once.
I am conûdent.
I can read something in
more than one language.
I am literate.
I'm open to other ways
of doing things.
I am brave.
I don9t think learning
languages is hard or scary.
I know that life is diferent in
other parts of the world.
Some things can be challenging
but I stick with them!
I am a good communicator.
I am culturally aware.
Sometimes I can guess what a word
means by reading the full sentence and
making an informed guess.
I am open-minded.
I can think outside the box.
I can always think of another way
of doing or saying something.
I can persevere.
I can communicate in more
than one language.
I am analytical.