LC Exchange Guide+School Toolkit - Flipbook - Page 32
Sample code of behaviour
[Name and dates of exchange]
Code of conduct for students on school trips/exchanges
The code of conduct is designed to help you understand what is expected of you when you take part in our
forthcoming exchange to [destination country].
I agree to:
• know where my supervising teacher is at any given time and how to contact them and I will ensure that they
know where I am;
• accept the code of behaviour agreed to in advance of our visit;
• attend all lessons and other organised activities;
• wear appropriate clothing for lessons and have some smart clothes for formal events;
• co‑operate with the staff organising the visit and to be punctual,
• clean and tidy, neatly dressed and polite;
• be quiet and considerate when travelling;
• keep my seatbelt fastened when travelling;
• respect my host family, their staff and the host school;
• keep my room tidy;
• go to bed at the allotted time so that I am able to enjoy all activities;
• be responsible for my property;
• tell my teacher if anything is worrying me so they can help;
• alert the teacher if someone is missing or in difficulty, or if I witness any inappropriate incidents;
• respect local laws, customs and culture, institutional rules and regulations;
• be prepared to be flexible and open‑minded when faced with challenging situations;
• integrate fully with the partner school students and use this as an opportunity to make new friends;
• use social media during the trip in accordance with the school social media/behaviour policy;
• be kind to and cooperate with other members of the group;
• be an ambassador for my school and local area.
I understand that extended school rules apply. Misuse of mobile phones or technology, being unkind or
unhelpful, or being involved with cigarettes, illegal substances, activities of a sexual nature or purchasing alcohol
will lead to further disciplinary action and may involve my being sent home at my parents’ expense.
Student’s name:
Signature of student:
How-to Manual for School Exchanges
How-to Manual for School Exchanges