CLIL - Module 1 Teacher Support Document FRENCH Week 6 - Flipbook - Page 11
Teacher support document - French
Worksheet exercise 4
(Final project)
As this stage in the module, students are given the opportunity to demonstrate content and knowledge
related to Fair Trade.
In pairs or small groups, they should work to prepare and present a project on a Fair Trade product
other than bananas. This can be a free choice from the products shown on slide 9, or each group can
be allocated a different product, to ensure an even spread through the projects.
Each success criteria can be discussed as students note it on their worksheets.
Click 1 adds 1st success criteria + photos of sample plants, then each subsequent click adds a success
criteria and accompanying image in clockwise order.
A3 sheets can be distributed to students for their projects.
The following links could be suggested to help students with research here:
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations resources:
Home page: (can be set to French)
Country proļ¬les:
Media database:
Depending on the time available and access to devices in class, students could be given time at home,
as well as in class, to put their projects together. When they have finished, they should present their
project posters to the class orally.
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