CLIL - Module 1 Teacher Support Document FRENCH Week 4 - Flipbook - Page 4
Teacher support document - French
Maths teacher tips:
As with the pie charts in week 2, involve the students in working out the percentages and showing how the
did the maths. They can once again refer back to their worksheets from week 1 for help with the
mathematical operation vocabulary required.
Please note that the focus has changed slightly this time, as they know the angles and have to figure out
the percentages. If a whole school approach to percentages was applied in week 2, this will also be
important here.
One click will then add the marked version of the pie chart with the percentages included to correct this
While the students are working on the percentages, it may be helpful to direct them to work out the fruit
and other plants first, as they are more straightforward calculations.
The source for the information in this pie chart is: Statistics | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (
Part 2 – Climate
Students should then be asked to consult their world maps to locate the Ivory Coast. This is an opportunity
to revise points of the compass with them to help guide them in the right direction. Once they have located
the country, a second click will add the map image.
They should then be asked to consider what the climate is likely to be. In pairs or small groups they can
use the climate sentence grid from week 3 to create a description suitable for the Ivory Coast.
The following info (taken from could be useful
in supporting the discussion:
La Côte d’Ivoire est la zone de transition entre le climat équatorial humide et le climat tropical sec, ce qui
permet au pays d’être divisé en deux zones principales : le sud et le nord. […] Dans le sud, en dessous de
Yamoussoukro, le climat est équatorial donc très humide. Avec des températures allant de 29° à 32°
Celsius. […]
Le nord, lui présente un climat tropical sec, avec des températures qui varient entre 28° et 37° Celsius.
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