CLIL - Module 1 Teacher Support Document FRENCH Week 4 - Flipbook - Page 3
Teacher support document - French
Worksheet Exercise 1
(Warm-up exercise)
This exercise has two parts. The objective is to activate learning from the previous two weeks and revise
what the students have worked on in relation to pie charts and climate, bringing the two together in relation
to fair trade products.
Part 1 – Pie charts
When the slide first appears, the pie chart does not show the percentages. Using a protractor at the board,
the teacher should model creating the angles, and should manually add curved lines and angles, as shown
below, near the centre point of the circle:
Le cacao = 190,8°; le caoutchouc = 43,2°; les fruits = 36°; autres plantes = 90°
.2 °
Students have a blank version of the pie chart on the worksheet to be filled in to
match, and can be encouraged to discuss/identify the angles and colours in French
as they work.
The following question can then be asked in turn about each item:
Le cacao / le caoutchouc (etc.) représente quel pourcentage de la production des
produits agricoles en Côte d’Ivoire ?
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