Power Saving Solutions - Hussh Pod Brochure - Manual / Resource - Page 4
Your essential Hussh Pod guide
Here at Power Saving Solutions, we are focused on leveraging as much as possible from the advances in
battery technology to provide businesses with power-saving solutions that can really make a di昀昀erence.
In this brochure, you can explore our range of battery units that can help you power your site, help you save
on fuel costs and meet your emission reduction targets.
Who are we?
Power Saving Solutions are a leader of battery storage units and have been designing, manufacturing and
supplying our Lithium Ion battery power units for commercial use for over 10 years. We are Safe Contractors
certi昀椀ed, members of the construction plant-hire association, an accredited gold member of The Green
Organisation, and a certi昀椀ed Living Wage employer.
What is a Battery Storage Unit?
Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) –
we call ours Hussh Pods – have become a 昀椀rst
choice for building contractors, mobile caterers,
and event organisers – because they deliver
low-cost renewable energy, minimise diesel
usage, and are reliable 24/7.
As a more sustainable external power solution, BESS (in particular our Hussh Pods) help to reduce the
carbon footprint of any project, provide evidence of carbon cutting for sustainability reporting and demonstrate
a further commitment to more environmentally-friendly choices.
The bene昀椀ts of a battery storage unit is automated switching from a conventional diesel powered engine when
the load is low, and drawing energy from an internal storage battery instead, and it is becoming very popular.
But many organisations aren’t aware that the technology is advancing all the time – making the use of
battery storage units cleaner, more cost-e昀昀ective and functional than ever. We understand that operational
requirements and goals vary greatly from one organisation to the next, so we design our Hussh Pod battery
units to meet every conceivable application and need. More signi昀椀cantly, all our Hussh Pods have been
designed for maximum e昀케ciency, in order to reduce emissions and derive the optimal energy and cost
savings for our customers.
Here’s to the next steps in your sustainable energy journey, take a look at our product portfolio and if you
would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact us:
• enquiries@powersavingsolutions.co.uk
• call us at 03030 310409
• www.powersavingsolutions.co.uk
03030 310409