Plymouth Magazine-Fall24-DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 2
Letter from Your Senior Pastor
By Rev. Dr. Jared Wortman (he/him)
“We give thanks for our faith, our
history, and for one another.”
These are the last words from Jeff
Grimes’s poem “Leaning In,” which is
printed in this issue. They address not
only the focus of this issue but also the
heart of Plymouth. In black and white
photos and old basketball trophies, we’re
reminded of the friendships that have
long been forged at Plymouth. In the
profile of Ted Brimeyer, Matins Choir
Director, and the story about the Matins’
recent Summer Tour to the East Coast,
we witness a legacy of faith and music
from the past continuing into our future.
As I write this note, I am filled with joy
from the recent congregational vote
where Plymouth unanimously called
John Tyson as Pastor of Faith Formation
and Social Justice. Over the past few
weeks, it has been a delight to share the
many Plymouth stories that have shaped
our community. After John’s sermon,
we stood together at the front of the
sanctuary while we sang the benediction
that begins, “May the Lord be always
with you.” As we sang, I encouraged
Pastor John to look to the back of the
Sanctuary, where the deacons were all
joining hands. I whispered to him, “They
just started doing that a few months ago,
and now they join hands when we sing
every week.” In this issue, you can learn
the story of this benediction that was
composed by Ben Alloway. But singing
this benediction week by week is only
part of what makes the story special. The
benediction is made real because it is
embodied — through clasped hands and
lived faith beyond the walls of Plymouth.
This issue also features an article about
the upcoming stewardship campaign.
As we enter into the fall, we’ll continue
our story theme and have a chance
to think through our personal and
communal giving story. For those of
you in worship this past weekend, you
witnessed a mountain of glue sticks,
crayons, notebooks, and backpacks
that were blessed and delivered to local
public schools in advance of the school
year. These kinds of offerings are a visual
reminder of what happens each and every
week at Plymouth. We join our efforts
and generosity to advance goodness,
kindness, and care in our community.
Recently, Rev. Dr. Karen Scheib, emerita
professor from Candler School of
Theology at Emory University, preached
in worship before kicking off her online
class, “Story Care: Attending to Life
Stories.” In the first session of this
class, Dr. Scheib encouraged the many
Plymouth participants to think about
the stories we use when we introduce
ourselves to others. This fall, we’ll work
together as a community to think about
what stories we tell about Plymouth.
We are fortunate to have so many good
stories in our past and present — and
I can’t help but believe our legacy is
propelling us forward with vibrancy,
hope, and joy.
We have so many more stories to share,
and I’m deeply grateful to be joining in
the work with all of you,