Annual Report 2023-2024-DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 29
Chair: Dave Everett
Vice Chair: Deb Ledesma
Secretary: Steve Jacobs
Trustee Liaison: Kathy Murphy
Pastors: Jared Wortman and Peter Strobel
Mission from Bylaws:
The Board of Christian Stewardship will assist Plymouth
members and friends to understand and commit to principles
of Christian stewardship; develop ongoing programs to
obtain statements of intention to provide financial support
for Plymouth’s mission and ministry; periodically review and
evaluate the effectiveness of all means of providing financial
support to Plymouth; develop awareness and provide learning
opportunities for Plymouth members of alternate ways to give to
Plymouth; and communicate with other boards and committees.
Major Events/Achievements in 2023-2024:
The theme for the fall stewardship campaign was Hopes, Dreams,
and Visions. This was part of a broader worship theme through
the fall, based on the lyrics of the hymn “All Are Welcome”.
We are extremely grateful to everyone who gave so generously to
support the mission of our church and help Plymouth achieve its
hopes, dreams, and visions. Thank you!
Stewardship results are shown in the chart below:
Estimate of Giving Cards
Dollar Amount
*Does not include matching grants of
$150,000 in 2023-2024 or $175,000 in 2022-2023
Board Members:
Dave Everett
Robb Hill
Emily Abbas
Steve Jacobs
Lee Konfrst
Barbi Hamor
Sally Peterson
Alissa McKinney
David Johnson
Chuck Offenburger
Deb Ledesma
Our goal for the campaign was to communicate the many ways
in which financial donations enable us to nurture our Plymouth
community as well as enrich lives in the community around us.
The formal campaign started the weekend of September 16-17,
and was scheduled a full month earlier than usual, ended the
weekend of October 21-22, and was celebrated on Pie Weekend
November 18-19.
We communicated to the congregation about the stewardship
campaign in several ways:
• We included a stewardship-themed article in the September
issue of Plymouth magazine.
• We mailed a 4-page brochure to all church members shortly
after the start of the campaign. The brochure included a
message from Pastor Jared, some highlights of the growth
priorities for the church, and an Estimate of Giving card.
• Stewardship testimonials were delivered by board members
during worship on the weekends of September 16-17,
September 23-24, and October 14-15.
• We published a short video with on-camera testimonials from
Emily Abbas and David Johnson, excerpts from Pastor Jared’s
sermons, and a video montage showing life at Plymouth.
To inspire those who were able to increase their Estimate of
Giving and to encourage first-time givers, we requested and
received a generous grant from Plymouth Church Foundation that
would match, dollar-for-dollars, any new or increased pledges or
estimates of giving up to a total of $150,000. With the help of this
matching grant, we saw that nearly half of member households
generously increased their pledge amount from the previous year.