Annual Report 2023-2024-DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 28
Chair: Alyssa Clabaugh
Vice Chair: Lauren Linnenbrink
Secretary: Marti West
Staff Liaison: LeAnn Stubbs
Mission from Bylaws:
The Board of Christian Social Action helps Plymouth explore
the relationship between Christian faith and contemporary social
issues by identifying issues and stimulating dialogue. By inviting
action on any issue, the board shall make clear that its opinions
or actions bind neither Plymouth nor any member.
• Eating Better Together event on April 14th hosted by the
Creation Care and Justice Committee.
• Anti-Racism Committee participation at the Neighbor’s Day
Juneteenth Celebration.
• Special Congregational Meeting saw an update in the Plymouth
mission statement based on education provided by the
Creation Care and Justice Committee. Mission statement
now reads “To grow in love of God, neighbor, and creation.”
• Welcoming Migrants Committee co-hosted a two-part seminar
to explore how faith communities can partner together to
support asylum seekers, with more than 60 attendees from
eleven churches; prepared and served meals for Children and
Families Urban Ministries’ Supper Club, once per quarter;
and led an annual immigration book study.
• Helped in planning of Volunteer Fair during the Open and
Affirming 30th Year Celebration.
• Transition from Prison Ministry (TPM) Committee endorsed
Major Events/Achievements in 2023-2024:
• Partnered with the Board of Children, Teens, and Families
to complete a holiday collection drive, which gathered winter
gear for Des Moines Public School students and toys for New
Directions Shelter.
• Partnered with Board of Children, Teens, and Families and
Board of Benevolences for MLK Day of Service activity to
increase donations to the Little Food Pantry at Plymouth.
• Plymouth Justice Network sent out almost 80 action alerts
during the program year.
• Creation of the LGBTQIA+ committee, Rainbow Action
Network – there are currently 18 members.
• AMOS’s recent community organizing efforts launched a
community land trust for affordable home ownership;
supported $3.6 million in public transportation funding to
prevent drastic cuts to DART services; continued Let’s Talk
Now mediation program at Des Moines middle schools; and
changed Des Moines Public Schools hiring practices for
people with criminal records.
− Sponsored state meeting of Beyond the Bars with over
100 attending.
− Mentored 22 people released from prison or still in prison.
Board Members:
George Dorsey
Holly Craiger
Brian Leckrone
Jim Ferguson
Mary Nelson
Virginia Traxler
Lauren Linnenbrink
Scott Morrison
Marti West
Erin Riker